Building Secrets


Building Secrets 01: Introduction

Building Secrets 01: Introduction

 Jeff from Epic Custom Homes kicks off this controversial series by introducing you to a peek behind the curtain of the building industry, exposing the disparity between perception and reality when it comes to building a home. This series covers subjects like how...

Building Secrets 02: How Builders Make Money

Building Secrets 02: How Builders Make Money

 In part 2 of the Building Secrets Series, Jeff and Kirk from Epic Custom Homes compare their transparent, up front pricing structure to the typical way builders make money off a building project. Hidden fees like change orders, upgrades, margins on wholesale and...

Building Secrets 03: Bait and Switch

Building Secrets 03: Bait and Switch

 In part three of the Building Secrets videos, we discuss one of the most common techniques some builders use to increase their margins. Ambiguity about materials, equipment, and features can really make a buyer think they are getting the same value for less money...

Building Secrets 04: Change Orders

Building Secrets 04: Change Orders

 In part four of the Building Secrets Series, the topic of change orders is discussed. Change Orders can be a surprising and costly part of building a home. Understanding how these change orders work throughout the industry and comparing them from builder to builder...

Building Secrets 05: Builder Doesn’t Pay Bills

Building Secrets 05: Builder Doesn’t Pay Bills

 In part five of the Building Secrets Series, the topic of Financial Management is explained. Financial management is critical to a successful building project. If a builder fails to pay their vendors it can result in a lien on your brand-new home. Be sure to check...

Building Secrets 06: Cutting Corners Part One

Building Secrets 06: Cutting Corners Part One

 Part six of the Building Secrets Series covers a few examples of how some builders cut corners to cut costs. Many of these shortcuts arise from the lack of inspections. Foundation thickness, footing depth, concrete psi, moisture barriers, etc. are all vulnerable to...

Building Secrets 07: Cutting Corners Part Two

Building Secrets 07: Cutting Corners Part Two

 In part seven of the Building Secrets Series, Jeff and Kirk from Epic Custom Homes discuss more ways some builders cut costs to increase their margins. Using dimensional lumber instead of engineered lumber, underbuilt brace walls, thinner driveways and building to...

Building Secrets 08: Pressure to Sign Contract

Building Secrets 08: Pressure to Sign Contract

 Part eight of the Building Secrets Series focuses on the contract. Many builders push the hype to try and get you committed by signing a contract. Epic Custom Homes encourages you to avoid impulsive decisions when you are talking about something as big as building...

Building Secrets 09: How to Select a Builder

Building Secrets 09: How to Select a Builder

 In the final video of this series Jeff and Kirk from Epic Custom Homes discuss what you need to look for in a builder. Deciding between a System Builder or a Custom Builder like Epic Custom Homes is heavily dependent on the type of home you are building. Evaluate...